Monday, May 25, 2009


The other morning I was driving along on my way to work, listening to another good sermon on the radio. By the time I was getting close to the office, the signal was starting to cut out. The radio signal apparently comes all the way from St. Louis and reaches to parts of Memphis. This happens each day for me. Some days, If I leave later, I can hear the end of the program. If I leave sooner, I can catch the beginning of the program. Rarely do I leave at the perfect time to catch the whole program. But the other day, I was wishing I could have caught the ending. I was frustrated a little that in the best part of the sermon, the signal was cutting out – actually competing for a more local station. It would come and go, skipping over words and phrases, making it impossible for me to understand what was being said.

It reminded me of the old antenna I still have on my house that brings the TV signal into the TV in my bedroom, and the stereo in my living room. Ever so often, I’ve got to go outside and turn the antenna so that it points to the source. By turning the antenna to the source of the signal, I can get a perfect picture – without any static. With the antenna in my car, I’ve actually got to be within the area of the signal. When my car reaches the limit of the signal, I loose the signal. If I were able to turn back around and head toward the signal’s source, my car would again pick up the signal loud and clear.

So again, to have a good signal in my car depends where I am. In my home, it depends where my antenna is pointing.

Where am I standing at this moment? Am I facing God’s signal source? Or am all I hearing is static? Do I need to go and turn my antenna to face His signal? Or do I need to move closer? Do I need to get out of the area that I’m standing, and move to higher ground? May God grant me the strength and wisdom to always be in His signal, and when things around me distract or compete with His signal, may I turn or move closer to Him.

(sigh) I’ve got to get out there and turn the antenna now, the wind keeps blowing it around.

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