Holy Father, find me. Search for me quickly! I feel as though I am adrift at sea and no one can spot me. I am but a speck, at a great distance away, too small to find. Father, your great waters are bobbing me up and down so that I am sick. I am unable to rescue myself, and no one else can hear my cry for help. I have sent out distress signals, but no one is watching. Everyone is busy emptying their own boats which are taking in water. I have given up on putting my confidence in those 'round about me. You have taught me that no one else is as reliable as you are. I have learned that I also have not heard or seen those flares from my friends. Father, forgive me for not being prepared, ready, and waiting for their signals.
Father, you are my refuge. I am swimming hard to reach your shores. Please do not allow me to be removed from your safety. I know you are concerned for me, because there is no other who can protect like you. Where you are is always a good place to be found in times of trouble. Father, all of my troubles, cares, and worries - I throw them onto you. You receive them all so that I may rest easy and that I may be glad. You know how weary I am from running so hard away from them. You rub my sore muscles with your healing hands so that I fall quickly asleep.
Father, you have rescued so many who have put their trust in you. You have delivered so many from such deadly perils, and you will deliver me as well. You are my only hope; there is no other on whom I can depend. There are many who have never heard of you, and therefore do not trust you like I do. But Lord, I cannot help but tell everyone how you have saved me. I have put my trust in you, and you have never left me alone. You have taught me in some difficult ways, but your lessons have become clear to me. It took me a while to see the answer clearly, but now I see how only you can be trusted.
Father, I thought it was good for me to be proud, but you have taught me that I cannot. Instead, I boast only in what Christ has done for me, not what I have done for thee. Nothing I am; no matter how long I've followed you, can increase my worth in your eyes. I am no better than the best or worst in my life, I am only proud to be covered by Christ's blood. Without His life, sacrifice, and resurrection, all my hope would be lost. But because He reigns by your right hand, everything you've promised has already been guaranteed. Only in him and through faith in him may we approach you freely and confidently.
So it is because of him I can come to you with my cries and petitions, knowing that you hear me. I am confident that you care for me, and that you will come quickly to my rescue. Have you not told me that I am worth more than the grass, the flowers, or the little birds? I know you care, and I will only trust in you. Please Father, now pick me up and place me in the cup of your hand and cover me. Dry me, warm me, feed me, protect me, provide for me, exalt me and elevate me in front of everyone. Allow me to proclaim to everyone how good you are, and what you've done for me. You have molded me, Father into a vessel of honor. Now Father, I am ready to be used for your purposes. Use me to pour out your Spirit onto others, Father. Use my touch to heal others pain. Use my voice to encourage others sorrow. Hear my prayers as I cry to you for them. Lord, come and rescue your people, and save us from this sorrow filled world. May the Holy son, Jesus Christ, my brother, take these words, and present them to you in his own way.